Cake! Chocolate Coffee Bourbon Cake!

I researched recipes for a birthday cake for my coffee-loving alcohol-loving dessert-obsessed boyfriend.  I slightly adapted this recipe from The Spice Trainbased on my preference of flavors to bring out some more strongly than would be in the original recipe.  I also made this into a double layer, because that's always more fun! Yay, cake!

*I used almond milk to prepare the frosting because that is what I prefer.  Note, that using almond milk or a non-full fat milk (like skim or 1%) will cause the frosting to be thinner.  Since I used almond milk, the frosting was more of a ganache than a thick, whipped frosting.

Other things you will need: 2 8"x6" pans (or close in size), spatula, whisk, medium saucepan, 2 mixing bowls (1 small-medium and 1 large), oven, toothpick or knife (to test cake), electric mixer (for frosting), measuring utensils (important! measurements should be accurate when baking, unlike cooking where you can alter amounts as desired), plate/serving platter for the finished product!


1.  Make frosting (I like to do this first so the flavors have more time to blend together)

  • With an electric (hand or stand) mixer, mix together the following ingredients:
    o Mascarpone
    o Milk
    o Sugar (2 T + 1 t)
    o Vanilla Extract (1 t)
    o Finely Ground Coffee Powder
  • Once well mixed, place in refrigerator until needed later.

It’s time to make the batter!!

2. Spray the two baking pans with cooking spray.  Once lightly covered, dust with cocoa powder (about  4 T—2 T for each pan) to evenly coat the bottoms and sides of the pans. 

3.  Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.

Now let’s get to the headliner of this show:
4.  With your medium saucepan over medium heat, melt butter.  When mostly melted, add in brewed coffee, bourbon and the ¾ C cocoa powderWhisk together for about 2 minutes. 
5.  Remove saucepan from heat and add in 1 C sugar. Whisk together until dissolved and well-combined.
6.  Set pan aside and let it be like the other side of the pillow (i.e., cool).

7.  In a small/medium mixing bowl, whisk together flours, baking soda and salt.  Set aside.
8.  In your large mixing bowl, whisk (you can use the same whisk you just did) together egg and 1 t vanilla extract.  Once combined, whisk in the cool guy, aka the cooled chocolate bourbon mixture from the saucepan.
9.  Add flour mixture and whisk to make the delicious bourbon chocolate batter.
10. Pour the batter evenly between the two prepared-cocoa-dusted cake pans.

11. Bake for 40-45 minutes until a toothpick/knife comes out clean in the middle.  Let cake cool completely before frosting.

12. Once cake is cooled, remove from pans by loosening edges with a knife.  Place one cake on a plate.  Layer frosting on the top, which will become the middle of the cake.  Place second cake on top.  Cover the cake completely in frosting.  Top with roasted coffee beans, if desired.

This serves about 8-10 people, depending on how generous you are being with your portion sizes for your guests!