This One Isn't For Dogs (Puppy Chow!)

Prepare yourselves for, perhaps, the simplest, most delicious dessert you will ever make.  If you haven't had it--first of all I'm sorry you missed out on it for this much of your life--Welcome to the fabulous world of PUPPY CHOW.  This was a staple in our household growing up.  My sisters and I would make it in a triple-batch and eat it for breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, dessert, snack.  It’s a miracle how we are all still alive today with that eating habit. 

Disclaimer: you can use any brand of the below ingredients, but I swear by the fact that this combo makes THE ULTIMATE, BEST tasting puppy chow!

Other things you will need: 1 large mixing bowl, 1 small-medium microwave safe bowl, microwave, measuring utensils (cup size), spatula, metal spoon to mix.


1.       Pour the rice cereal into the large mixing bowl and set aside.  (I pour in about ¾ of the box then gradually add more cereal in Step 3, if needed.)

2. Make the chocolate-peanut butter mixture:

  • Place chocolate chips in microwave safe bowl.
    • Microwave for 1 minute. Stir. Melt for additional 30 seconds if chocolate is still in chip-form.
    • Once chocolate is melted, stir in peanut butter until it’s a perfectly blended chocolate-peanut butter mixture.

3. Coat the cereal with the choc-pb mixture:

  • Drizzle half of the choc-pb mixture over the cereal.  Using the spatula, gently fold the cereal until coated.  Add the remaining mixture and continue to fold the cereal until it is all well-coated.  (Here would be when you gradually in more cereal if you are noticing the choc-pb mixture ratio to cereal is greater than it should be.)

4. Once the cereal is well-coated, introduce the powdered sugar cannons to the party!

  • Slowly add the powdered sugar and coat the choc-pb coated cereal.  Rather than add all of the powdered sugar at once, I like to follow this process: add about 1 C powdered sugar, then fold the cereal; add another 1 C powdered sugar, then fold the cereal.  Continue with this process until the cereal is fully-coated in powdered sugar and you can’t see any traces of the choc-pb coating.  (You may use more or less than the 2-3 C.)

5. Store this Heavenly treat in an air-tight container or bag.  NOTE: If it’s hot outside, I will keep the Puppy Chow in refrigerator so it doesn’t melt together.

This makes 6-9 cups.  Serving size varies depending on the way in which you serve it.  Set it out in little bowls around a party for people to snack on; set out in medium-large bowls with serving spoons for more of a dessert; or scoop into individual serving bags as a treat at school or the office! 

Soft Pretzel Ball Bites

These delicious little nugget balls are easy to make and fun for any type of gathering!  I like to serve them on a platter or in a bowl, surrounded by an assortment of condiments for dipping.  Think, ketchup, mustards, hot sauces, cheeses. It's like a ball full of Heaven in your mouth (don't think too much about that)!  You could even pull out your wild side and play around with different designs with shaping the pretzel dough! 


1.   Mix together yeast, brown sugar and regular sugar. Using electric mixer, add milk until well combined.
2. With mixer on slow-medium speed, add in flour, 2 tsp salt and 3 tbsp butter.
3.  Once combined, slowly add water, 1/4 cup at a time until dough comes together.
4. With mixer at medium speed, continue to blend dough for a couple minutes.  Knead/mix by hand for 1-2 minutes to form a well-combined dough ball.
5. Place dough ball in a greased bowl, covered with a kitchen towel, in a relatively warm/room temperature area for about 1 hour, until the ball doubles in size.

Once the dough is doubled:

6. Preheat oven to 450 degrees.  Prepare your baking sheets (I used a baking mat, but you can use parchment paper or a greased sheet).
7.  Mix together baking soda and 4 c water in a medium saucepan and place on stovetop to boil.
8. While the water is getting to a boil, start forming the dough into little balls. 

How I like to form the balls:
a.  To start, I like to keep a small bowl of warm water next to me to dip my hands in occasionally. This water will help the dough not stick to my hands.
b.  I use a greased cutting board to place the balls on, so they don't stick once I put them in the boiling water.
c.  With your hands slightly wet (not soaking though or the dough will get slimy and gross) from the bowl of warm water next to you, rip off small pieces from the dough ball and roll in your hands to form a small ball (about the size of a ping pong ball).

9.  As your forming the small dough balls, place them on the greased cutting board so you can easily transfer them into the boiling water. 
10.  Once the small dough balls are formed and the baking soda water concoction is boiling, you'll boil the balls for 10-30 seconds. 
11.  Drop the balls in the water (I put in as many will fit at a time—about 10—on the bottom of the pan without covering each other).  Once they're ready they'll pop up to the top of the water.  Using a slotted/strainer spoon, transfer the balls to a paper towel covered plate (to soak up excess water).
12.  Then, place the boiled balls onto the prepared baking sheet. (Leave a little space between but they don't need a lot since they won't expand anymore.) Lightly sprinkle with salt if desired. (You'll have the option to put butter and salt on top in a few minutes too!)
13.  Once the sheet is filled, use the melted butter and lightly spread over the balls.  Sprinkle with additional salt if desired.
14.  Bake the balls at 450 degree for about 10 minutes. 


Continue this crazy method until all your dough balls are boiled, buttered, salted and baked!  Then it's time to try to restrain yourself from eating them all in one sitting.

This made about 60 pretzel bites (obviously will vary depending on how large/small you make the balls).